onsdag den 8. april 2020

The great awakening

Postcard and links to accompany the awakening. 


Why I think it's a really good idea that  Trump to comes up with a really bad idea.

In this video clip, Trump told a press conference that one might be able to inject disinfectants directly into the body.

My first thought was that this was a bad idea.  So bad it called me a smile.

My next thought was that it was liberating with a transparent bad idea.  We can become active and use our common sense to reject the idea.

My next thought was that we already use this method a lot.  It's called antibiotics.

This leads directly to the next interesting question, which is why antibiotics cannot be used against viruses.

We are told that sanitisers can kill virus, why than can't antibiotics?

It will be a thumbs-up from me to Trump's bad idea.  Not because I think this is the way to go, but because I think the idea is really good at provoking living thinking and this is valuable.

#COVID2019 #CoronaCritic #SpreadSomeLove #WWG1WGA #MyBirthday

#COVID2019 #CoronaCritic #SpreadSomeLove #WWG1WGA

More from the article: "The researchers believe that the virus has come to China with the tissue samples that was sent to the laboratory in Wuhan in connection with the autopsy, but they also mention the exchange of panda bears as a possible source"

#COVID2019 #CoronaCritic #SpreadSomeLove #WWG1WGA
More excerpts from the exclusive interview with the Crown Prince of Denmark.

"Both John Travolta and Tom Cruise considered for the role of the Crown Prince of Denmark, but I said I might as well play the role. It would seem more convincing since I am, in fact, the Crown Prince, says the Prince with his  charming boyish smiles.

 "It is a production of extreme dimensions. It would never have been possible if we had not had such good international contacts. The Chinese government has been fantastic. They came up with the idea of ​​these protective suits and gas masks  The Italians came up with the idea of putting patients on their stomachs with their legs bent, which also had a very strong effect and then the Chinese came up with the idea of using the world's largest transport aircraft, which gave both a nice visual impact and was a good story for the press.  .

 "Another unusual thing about this production is that we have managed to coordinate international cooperation to an extent never seen before. All countries have worked together to create a complete illusion. This would never have been possible without a central coordinating body. In this function, the World Health Organization, also known as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has done a fantastic coordinating job. One of the problems with a large organization such as WHO is that meetings are held  and polls and that can take time and cause confusion. WHO has managed to cut the entire bureaucracy away so that in practice there is a single person (Bill Gates) who makes all the decisions. This has been invaluable to the success of the staging "  - says the prince

To the question of how the prince feels about suddenly becoming an actor in a huge performance he answers:
 "I don't experience the transition to being an actor so fiercely. A lot of what I have been doing all the time could be considered acting so I am not all new to that kind of work"

lørdag den 4. april 2020

Den store opvågning

Postkort til at ledsage opvågningen blandet med links til mere information


Hvorfor jeg synes det er en virkelig god idé at Trump kommer med en virkelig dårlig idé.

I dette videoklip fortælle Trump på en pressekonference at man måske vil være i stand til at sprøjte desinficerende midler direkte ind i kroppen. 

Min første tanke var at dette var en dårlig idé. Så dårlig at den kaldte et smil frem hos mig. 

Min næste tanke var at det var befriende med en gennemskuelig dårlig idé. Vi kan blive aktive og bruge vores sunde fornuft til at afvise idéen.

Min næste tanke var at vi jo allerede bruger denne metode meget. Den heder antibiotika.

Dette leder direkte videre over i det næste interessante spørgsmål nemlig "hvorfor kan man ikke kan bruge antibiotika imod virus?"

Vi får at vide at håndsprit kan dræbe virus, hvorfor kan antibiotika så ikke?

Det bliver et tommel-op fra mig til Trumps dårlige idé. Ikke fordi jeg mener at det er den vej vi skal gå, men fordi jeg synes at idéen er virkelig god til at provokere til levende tænkning og dette er værdifuldt.


Mere fra artiklen: "Forskerne mener at viruset er kommet til Kina med de vævsprøver som blev sendt til laboratoriet i Wuhan i forbindelse med obduktionen, men de nævner også udveksling af pandabjørne som en mulig kilde"

Flere uddrag fra det eksklusive interview med kronprinsen.

"Både John Travolta og Tom Cruise var på tale i rollen som Danmarks kronprins, menrs jeg sagde at jeg lige så godt kunne spille rollen. Det ville virke mere overbevisende eftersom jeg jo reelt er Danmarks kronprins siger prinsen med sit charmerende drengede smil. 

"Det er jo en produktion af helt ekstreme dimensioner. Det ville aldrig havde kunne lade sig gøre, hvis ikke vi havde haft så gode internationale kontakter. Den kinesiske regering har været fantastiske. Det var dem som kom på ideen om de her beskyttelsesdragter og gasmasker og mundbind. Italienerne fandt på det med at lægge patienterne på maven med benene -bøjet op hvilket også havde en meget stærk virkning og så kom kineserne på det her med verdens største transportfly hvilket både gav en flot visuelt effekt og var en god historie til pressen.

"En anden usædvanlig ting ved denne produktion er at man har formået at koordinere det internationale samarbejde i en grad som aldrig er set før. Alle lande har arbejdet sammen om at få skabt en gennemført illusion. Dette ville aldrig havde kunnet lade sig gøre, hvis ikke vi havde haft et centralt koordinerende organ. I den funktion har verdenssundhedhedsorganisationen også kendt under navnet Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation udført et fantastisk koordinerende stykke arbejde. Et af de problemer der er med sådan en stor organisation som WHO er jo at der skal afholdes møder og afstemninger og det kan tage tid og give uklarhed. Her har man i WHO formået at skære hele bureaukratiet væk så man i praksis har en enkelt person (Bill Gates) som tager alle beslutningerne. Dette har været af uvurderlig betydning for iscenesættelsens succes" afslutter prinsen sin analyse.

Til spørgsmålet om hvordan prinsen oplever pludselig at skulle til at være skuespiller svarer han:
"Jeg oplever ikke overgangen til at skulle være skuespiller så voldsomt. Meget af det jeg laver i forvejen er jo allerede et slags teater"