fredag den 4. november 2011

Romantic Motorcycle Ninja

"I do not intend to abandon my hop of getting a
love relationship with this woman."
"She does not want you now nor does she want
you later. You're such a hopeless
dreamer. She hoped you would be good in bed,
but she did not find what she was hoping fore
therefore she is no longer interest. That is
really it."
"I do not feel that I she really gave me the
chance... I mean in bed"
"When the chance was there you would not take
it because you did not think it was morally
right. You would explicitly end your marriage
before you would be with someone else."
"I still stand by that. If you want a new 
relationship then you must finish your old 
first. That is the clearest way to 
do it also in respect of the new relationship."

"Except that your new woman then managed to
»go cold« before you were ready. No wonder
you never get any pussy."
"But if she can't wait for that she is perhaps
not really someone to go for."
"That's what I'm trying to tell you. She has
not been particularly nice to you ether."
"But I've had all these beautiful spiritual visions,
sensations and images coming to me both at night
and at day. There is something 
special between us."
"It's called "self hypnosis". You yearn so
much for love that you trick yourself to
beleve that she is all that. Truly it could be
any attractive woman whom happened
to give you a little attention."
"To open the door for other opportunities would
imply leaving the door to her and what if she
suddenly takes to open that door?"
"And while you're standing at that door waiting
perhaps a wonderful opportunity is wondering
pass you right out on the street."
"Trying to achieve something always includes to 
give up something else."
"But what you are trying to achieve is firstly
unrealistic. Secondly, it is not really worth
betting on."
"My heart has not abandoned and I'll follow my
heart. Not all people have been given the gift
of being able to hear what their heart speaks
and I feel privileged at that point."
"Stuck in longing for what you can not get.
Missing the opportunities you can get. Crying
over someone who is not worth crying over.
It's pathetic and you'll get no pussy. You are
a fool. I feel like beating you up."
"But you can't. No matter if you are right. I'm
just to strong for you. Now do you need me to
give you a hand so you can get back to
civilization or are you good enough to make it
on your own?"
"I'll cope."
"Well then."
"Well how about this: -Love is a law that
operates in such a way, that you and I cannot
dictate to it, we can only blend with it.*"


*The quote is from the spiritual teacher Bob
Moore (1928 - 2008)

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