torsdag den 29. august 2019

Torsdagsbrev: Allum-Noor interview part 1

- Allum-Noor interview del 1 -

This text in English
The Video is in English

Denne uges torsdagsbrev drejer sig om et interview som jeg har lavet i mandags (mandag 25 augus 2019) med Henrik Allum og Neama Noor. Det startede med en længere interesse i de økonmiske motivationsmekanismer i tvangsanringelser af børn. Der florere mange mere eller mindre plausible forklaringer om, at kommunerne tjener penge på at anbringe børn. Hanrik Allum og Neama Noor havde lagt en video på Youtube, hvor de forklarede en sammenhæng imellem økonomiske interesser og tvangsanrbingelser af børn i Norge. (Se videoen her). Deres forklaring resonerede veldig godt med nogle observationer og overvejelser som jeg selv havde gjort mig. Da jeg kunne se at parret boede i Oslo og da jeg i forvejen holder meget af, at tage med færgen fra København til Oslo spurgte jeg over internettet parret om min kæreste og jeg kunne tage op og besøge dem og lave et interview med dem. Henrik og Neama sagde "ja" til dette og sådan kom aftalen i stand. 
Vi havde kun nogle få timer i Oslo da vi skulle med færgen tilbage igen samme eftermiddag, så det var ikke muligt at lave grundige forberedelser eller optage flere gang. Vi skulle hitte ud af transporten, hitte ud af at lærer hinanden, at kende og hitte ud af at få lavet en videooptagelse på 4 - 5 timer. Familien har et barn hjemme imens vi optager og et til barn som kommer hjem under optagelserne derfor bliver optagelserne en lille smule opbrudt eller uhomogen.
Vi har aftalt at lave interview på engelsk, fordi jeg mener, at indholdet er af international interesse. Der er dog steder i interviewet hvor vi skifter til norsk og dansk.
Efter jeg er kommet hjem har jeg prøvet at finde hoved og hale i optagelserne og prøvet om jeg kunne dele op og finde nogle temaer. Det er blevet til tre dele. Del 1 Om Penge, Magt og Motiver. En lille del som fortæller Victorias (Neamas datter) Historie og en del som fortæller Neamas Historie. Første del bringer jeg i dette torsdagsbrev og de to øvrige i det næste.

Bemærkninger til dette afsnit

Aktivitetsbaseret  budgetmodel: Henrik taler i videoen om "innsatsstyrt finansiering". Det er det samme princip vi bruger her hjemme i Danmark. Her hedder det "Aktivitetsbaseret budgetmodel" eller populært sagt "pengene følger borgeren". "Aktivitetsbaseret budgetmodel" blev indført på rigtig mange omårder i det offentlige omkring 2008.
Ideén er at i stedet for at pengene tildeles institutionerne på baggrund af nogle puljer så skulle de tildeles institutionerne på baggrund af de opgaver de udfører i forbindelse med en borger.
Det gjorde man i bedste mening for at opnå en mere retfærdig fordeling af pengene og for at sætte opgaven i centrum frem for institutionen. Der er i sig selv ikke noget galt med princippet. Det giver på mange områder god mening at fordele penge efter dette princip, men som med alle andre systemer så er der nogle der kigger grundigt på dem og bliver dygtige til at forstå hvordan, man for flest muligt penge ud af systemet til det man gerne vil.
Det heder sig at pengene følger borgeren. Mere rigtigt ville det dog være at skrive at pengene følger "beskrivelsen af borgeren". Dem som bevilliger ydelser ser nemlig sjældent borgeren. De ser der imod beskrivelserne af borgeren i journaler og ansøgninger.

Nøglen til tildeling af ydelser bliver beskrivelsen af borgeren. Hvis man skal have midler ud af systemet skal man mestre kunsten, at beskrive borgeren på en måde som udløser midler.
Når vi kommer til anbringelse af børn kommer der endnu en faktor som kommer ind.  
Tvangsfjernelse af børn er en retslig beslutning. Hvis retssalene (B&U-Udvalget) kommer frem til at barnet skal tvangsfjernes så kan Kommunen ikke undslå sig at betale den ydelse som følger med.
Sagt med andre ord. Inden for området som gælder beskyttelse af børn er det særligt potent at kunne beskrive og definere behovet for indgreb.
Her er en PDF som på en meget klar måde beskriver "Den aktivitetsbaserede budgetmodel"
Der ud over vil jeg give link til Per Einar Guthus Facebookside. Henrik Taler om Per Einar Guthus i interviewet.

torsdag den 22. august 2019

Torsdagsbrev: Killén, Demonstraton og Status

- Killén, Demonstraton og Status -

D enne uges torsdagbrev skulle have været en en afslutning på sommertemaet om Kari Killén. Det skulle have været et interview/samtale imellem en kvinden som har fået tvangsfjernet to børn og mig. Samtalen kredser om hvordan de ting hun har oplevet i sin proces kan relateres til de ting vi er kommet frem til at forstå vedrørende Killéns teoridannelse og anvendelsen af den. Desværre kontaktede kvinden mig i går og sagde at hun ikke var parat til at interviewet blev publiceret. Det er en skam for det er et godt interview og det illustrerer veldigt fint hvad der er for nogle processer som er i spil og hvordan de virker i praksis. Jeg er dog naturligvis nød til at lade dette interview udgå af programmet når kvinden ikke ønsker det publiceret.
Torsdags den 26/07/18 udgav jeg det første torsdagsbrev. Det er lidt over et år siden i dag. Jeg husker hvordan jeg ønskede dialog ønskede at gøre opmærksom på nogle problemer som jeg via mit forløb havde fået øje på. Husker hvordan jeg følte at det var svært at få hul igennem. Det er voldsomt hvad der er sket siden jeg gik i gang med aktivt, at udfordre og udforske omstændighederne omkring anbringelser af børn i Danmark. 

Jeg fik sat gang i dannelse af en forening og jeg fik etableret en fælles nordisk forening, jeg fik kontakt med en masse internationale aktivister, fik læst og sat mig ind i ting, lavet interview, lærte Kari Killéns datter at kande og senest er jeg blevet del af en lille gruppe som arbejder sammen internationalt omkring modarbejdelse af unødvendige og korruptionsbetingede anbringelser af børn og som arrangerer en verdensomspændende demonstration den 7 september. Jeg er stolt og glad over dette forløb og over Torsdagsbrevet ét års fødselar :-)
Som sagt er der demonstration i Aarhus og København og i hen ved 40 andre byer i 16 forskellige lande i hele verden den 7 september. Planlægningen af denne event fylder meget for mig lige for tiden og derfor vil jeg gerne bruge resten af dette torsdagsbrev, på den pressemeddelelse jeg er i gang med at lave for demonstrationen

Internationale demonstrationer imod Norges dydfunktionelle børnebeskyttelsessystem
- Danmark benyttes samme system -

I mere end 40 byer fordelt på 16 lande demonsteres der den 7. september imod det norske "Barnevernets" ideologi. 

"Barnevernet" er navnet på Norges officielle børnebeskyttelsesinstans, men hvad er årsagen til at norsk børnebeskyttelse har  vagt sådan en harme og opsigt over hele verden?

80 % af alle de børn som blive tvangsfjernet i Norge bliver ikke fjernet på grundlag af reelle problemer som vanrøgt, vold eller misbrug. De bliver fjernet på grundlag af en teoretisk model omhandlende tilknytningsteori og forældrekompetencer. En model som ikke rummer faste og konkrete holdepunkter for hvornår en tvangsfjernelse er berettiget og som derfor lægger hele spørgsmålet op til sagsbehandlerens fortolkning. 

Sagsbehandlerne er bange for at gøre fejl og være skyld i at børn svigtes så de vælger meget ofte det som forekommer dem som den sikre løsning nemlig tvangsfjernelse af børnet også selv om der er tale om ubetydelige problemer. 

Samtidig ser det ud til at der er grupperinger og enkeltindivider som tjener penge på anbringelserne. Der tales om en anbringelses industri. Det har ført til et højt antal af tvangsfjernelser hvor børn fjernes og fastholdes i anbringelse uden der er et reelt behov for det. 

I mange tilfælde fjernes børn fra og velfungerende forældre. 

Denne tendens til, at gribe ind og fjerne børn uden et reelt grundlag for det har vagt opsigt. Menneskerettighedsdomstolen har taget hele 26 sager op til behandling vedrørende det norske "barnevernet" og en hel masse mennesker verden over har besluttet sig at gå på gaden i protest imod "Barnevernets" ideologi. 

I Danmark har vi særlig god grund til at demonstrere. Vores system er nemlig næsten identisk med det norske og i Danmark tvangsfjernes der også mange børn som med fordel kunne være blevet i hjemmet. Særlig fastholdes børn i anbringelse uden behørig hensyntagen til at forholden i hjemmet er ændret og hjemgivelse er blevet mulig.

Derfor går vi på gaden den 7. september i København og Aarhus og i over 40 andre byer i Norge, Østrig, Litauen, Bulgarien, Spanien, Serbien, Rusland, Italien, Canada, USA, Irland, New Zealand, Polen, Tyskland og Rumænien.

torsdag den 15. august 2019

Om Kari Killén: Samtale med Mette Heap på dansk

Torsdagsbrev 15/08/2019

Læs tidligere torsdagsbreve på

Om Kari Killén

Samtale med Mette Heap på dansk

Igennem denne sommer har jeg beskæftiget mig med teoretiker og fagbogsforfatter Kari Killén hvis teorier har afgørende betydning for den måde vi i Danmark og mange andre lande tolker behovet for et gribe ind i en familie og fjerne børn med tvang. De første to interviews/samtaler var på engelsk, og så har vi lavet et på dansk som kommer lidt omkring de samme emner, som de to engelske, men som også bringer lidt andre emner og vinkler på banen.

Jeg blev af en bekendt opfordret til at indsætte link til den video med Kari Killén som Mette referer til i starten af vores samtale. En video jeg tidligere har linket til. Jeg har indlejret videoen her under og er straks dybt fascineret af at set Mettes ansigt og Karis ansigt i næsten sammen vinke lige over og under hinanden.

torsdag den 8. august 2019

About Kari Killén: Summer theme part 5

Thursday letter 08/06/19

Read previous Thursday letters on

Kari Killén summer theme part 4

Kari Killén

Summing-up the summer theme

This is the last Thursday letter for my summer theme about Kari Killén that is in English. The end of the summer theme will be followed by a small appendix of the summer theme in Danish. These appendices will be published the next two Thursdays and will contain two interviews. I want to use the current Thursday letter to follow up on some things that I have discovered and considered during this summer. Mainly things related to a search on the social network Instagram via the hashtag #KariKillén. It turned out that there were things to be found about Kari Killén on Instagram. Here it was mostly students who mentioned Kari Killén. Some were talking about study books and some had been photographed with her in connection with a course or a seminar. There were several pictures of Kari Killén in Greenland in connection with course activities so Killén's methods are obviously widespread in Greenland as well. I have chosen a small text that a student posted on Instagram together with a picture. The image and text has been uploaded to the profile "uc_syd". "uc_syd" is the instagram profile of an education centre in the Danish town of Esbjerg. Students can put up posts on the centre's profile and a young female student did exactly that on 20/10/2016. Here is what she wrote: (The text is translated from Danish the original Instagram post is her )
"I can come in late today, as we have joint dinner in the Family House on Thursdays. My morning will be about writing up my internship assignment, Kari Killén is a big part of the Family House, so much of the theory in my assignment comes from her. Our work is based on her theories, in addition, she is my manager's sparring partner, so if there is a family that we are very concerned about, Kari will gladly receive a video clip we recorded of the parents (they sign when they arrive at the house if they agree to be videoed or not. They can then tick whether the clip should be deleted as soon as we have seen it with the family, whether it can be saved up to 6 months, so we can show it to the family again before departure so they can see their and the child's development, and the last box says it can be used for the education of professionals, but not people who know the family) and then Kari reports back to my manager whether we were right in our concern or not. I was so lucky that I was on a course with her a few months ago concerning exactly what we are working with in the Family House.
#ucsyd #ucssydkolding #praktikiudlandet # KariKillén"
There are several interesting things in this text. You can see in this text that Killén's theories are being lived out in the Family Houses (Danish official family institutions). It is also clear that the head of the department in this specific Family House in Denmark has direct communication with Killén regarding specific cases and that sometimes video recordings of parents and children were sent to Kari Killén in order to have her evaluate whether the assumption about the family was right or wrong. This is all contributing to the picture of a highly theoretical way of evaluating the child's needs. Killén and her disciples are not concerned with matters that can be measured, weighed or otherwise proven. They work on behalf of a highly abstract concept of what parenting and child welfare is and they promote the idea that Killén and the people that have studied her theories are able to discover parental problems that other people cannot see. The #karikillén hashtag on Instagram led me to very clear proof of this. A picture of this book.

You don't see it until you believe it
- A writing for children's rights
Inga Marte Thorkildsen
This title that I believe was made by one of Killéns disciples so clearly states that we are dealing with a concept of child neglect that cannot be seen unless you have the special skills to see it. The problem with such a concept is that it implies divine insight by the professionals who know the theory. Decisions made by such professionals cannot be discussed or doubted because they are brought foreword by a person with the ability to see what uninitiated people cannot see. That might be alright in the case that the professional was actually a person with divine insight. Unfortunately that does not seem to be the case. Killéns theories do not seem to be the direct path to the truth. Rather it seems to be pretty unprecise and unscientific pseudoscience that lends itself to various kinds of manipulation, giving justification to forcefully split up a family without having any literal prove of abuse or neglect. I would have loved to end this Thursday letter with a short CV about Kari Killén - a short reference of her life since I was not able to find such a reference when I started my research. Since I now have met her daughter, I am in the position to get the information it needs to make one. Unfortunately I don't have the time to do it right now. I will leave this very interesting summer theme for now, at least the English version of it. From next week however, I will continue the Kari Killén theme in Danish for a little while.

torsdag den 1. august 2019

About Kari Killén: Second conversation with Mette Heap

Thursday letter 01/08/19 

Read previous Thursday letters on

Kari Killén summer theme part 4
Second conversation with Mette Heap

Transcript of the entire conversation

So hello this is the second episode of my conversation with Mette Heap who is the daughter of Kari Killén, and Kari Killén is the theoretical that I am exploring for this summer. I have a summer theme of Kari Killén and I have gone to the west coast of Jutland to visit Mette. We had a conversation last time about her and her mother and and life and considerations this time we are going to focus on.... Well I have one theme that I like to follow and that is that Kari Killén seems to be an artist in splitting. That was kind of my wording of this. I had that picture when I talked with Mette. I see the threat of a splitting strategy that by splitting she gets herself into a power position and maybe also this thing about seeing the vulnerability of this most deep connection between a child in a parent and the possibility of taking on power by using the weakness and softness in that position. The theories in these written books are facilitating a power overtake by splitting. That was my approach of this second interview, and I wanted to kind of see if I could follow or I had this idea that we have a young woman that comes into life and that she finds some strategies for the personal life that she would refine and refine. Eventually it will become a whole theoretical theme and she has done what she has done very successfully if you think of positioning herself with power... That was kind of the thread I wanted to follow. Mette I have here on the other side was also wanting to follow a trace of her professional life what she has seen of results of this way of thinking. We will see if we can navigate these stories if we can make out some pattern and also just go along with what we seem to discover. We could start with me that you could accept the term the master of splitting or turning splitting into an art form first when I said it you said to me "splitting will never be in art form" hahaha I said yeah.. If you refine something it is an art form and I guess we kind of agreed but you also had an emotional reaction to it you wouldn't accept that because you found it very negative you said to me something yesterday you'd been in a court case or Court situation with your mum


no not with my mum but with her theories so she could have been there


and you said that you knew what you could expect. You knew because you knew the way of thinking. You knew all the things that would be followed in this structure of damaging and making the person look as being wrong in certain concepts. I said yeah you know that from your professional background and you know that from your personal experience from your life because you have seen these strategies lived out throughout your childhood


but without calling it an art form


without calling it an art form talking about making splitting into a what? A strategy that is?


it works... Because when you split people and they don't speak together and they don't communicate together. That gives power to the splitter.


do you think you could make that work too if you went on that path?


I would never walk that path, because I'm not that kind of person


a lot of people... Say that because I've been through this you've been through a lot of things are very similar actually even though your kids were not taken by authorities but you've been through very similar things. I can say that it feels like that strategy that would be Kari Killéns strategy, is actually transferred into people that read this (clapping the book that he's sitting with). They really read that there are certain kinds of people with certain behavior, and if you are able to recognize that behaviour you should intervene and do stuff in their lives with their kids and you have the right to do that because you recognize that pattern. They become what should I say evil . We have some kind of an evil pattern where your compassion or your normal way of thinking your ways of solving problems ok your child has this and that problem. Let's see what we can do. Do you have some examples from your perspective you can mention?


yeah I in 2013 a mother contacted me. She had just been diagnosed sclerosis and she was alone with two kids think 1/2 and 3 years old. She didn't have any family network because her parents were addicted to alcohol and drags. The father of the two girls was in and out of prison also because of drugs and there was no contact to hum. She contacted me to ask me to help her to have her working skills evaluated. And after short time I sort of catched that she had a much bigger problem than that.


were you supposed to evaluate her?


no no I was just supposed to represent her. she didn't get the rest she needed especially in weekends or holidays. She had daughters all the time, so she could rest in the middle of the day


and she will need a little more rest than normal


much more... So we contacted the City Council to ask practical help and help with the children... Never happened after 1 1/2 years nothing really had happened. The family consultant came out and criticized her and wrote a lot that was not correct


you come around and you point the finger at things that are not good and that the person is perfectly aware of not being good and there is no real reason to point the finger at that


no that's why she asked for help but she didn't get any help just criticism.


yeah I tried that


yeah and she got weaker and weaker of course because she didn't get her rest her sclerosis was developing and in this process she met a nice man who lived in a different Council. The previous City Council sent a report to the new City Council and then suddenly things went really fast. She went into hospital with an attack and the day after she got home they were supposed to go on a holiday place for five days with two family consultant who were sort of to observe her and that was when I for the first time really realized what it was to frustrate the parents un purpose she could hardly walk and her balance was totally out of order.


it's upsetting


and they wanted her to go to the swimming pool with her two daughters which she did. Only so they could describe that she didn't give the girls any notice and that she appeared to be obsessed with their own safety. But why? She tried to protest and said “I can't do this” and they said well this is an everyday thing


yeah you should be able to do this.. But if she was able to do everything that every parents are able to do, she wouldn't be in this situation.


so a big report comes out of these days where our protest to this report was about as many pages as the report itself, which says a lot about the lies and manipulations. A family consultant came to observe in their own home. One evening this mother called me and said they asked her to come for a meeting the next day. I couldn’t go as I had a meeting in the other side of the country. I asked her if she wanted me to move her meeting - no it's probably just a status thing I can do this myself. On my way home I had a crying mother in the phone. They had decided to forcefully remove both girls, to two different foster families.


although for me and probably also for you it's just everyday stories. I talked to the people and I have a lot of contact and it's it's just this is normal. Still when you tell this in this moment and you listen to it, it touches you right? it's horrible it's horrible for this woman who has health problems, and they put stress on her on purpose and they end up taking her kids and they end up splitting them it's sad yeah.


And she has a couple of hours with them every second week but not together. The foster families meet about once a month so the sisters can spend time together.


They to make sure that they will not be able to make a connection and rebuild a family


the two foster families meet once a month I think, where they are together for a couple of hours. Now it starts to become interesting because the mother wants them more and more home so one of them is coming home in August for 3 1/2 to 4 hours every third week. Beside of that they get to spend time together in a family house where they have been so far and I think ..well if you really want to confuse the child this is the way to do it where am I going to be with Mum next week?? am I going home or...?


exactly everything that you didn't want you know you want to make a safe environment that they can predict and it's a stressful environment


so they give them even more insecurity than they had before and the social worker told one of the foster parents that the mother needed to be more involved in her daughter's life ... Like coming to activities in kindergarten and coming to meetings in school in kindergarten and the foster mother said no there are no activities


there are no activities? ... So the foster mum says that?


yeah she said that there are no activities


she loses money if this ends with her getting her back home to her biological mother.


can I draw a line here to something that I've seen from my history in this? The idea here is that the social worker puts the blame on her... On the mom. And the advantage of that is that they don't have any responsibility because actually what a social worker should be doing is to come in then give some support so that the situation can walk out and what we see here is the way of distancing you... " well this is your problems I'm not going to deal with that you better fix it and I'm going to stress you while you trying to fix it,, so that we can see how that you are actually at it" and then again it takes the front back you know. I see this pattern of behaviour from Kari Killén this kind of way this theory allows for this. To make this person have so much trouble over here so they don't discover the trouble over here.


it's also like paragraph 54 in law of social service you have the right to have a contact person if your child is forcefully removed. According to that paragraph the contact person has to work loyally to the authorities. What kind of help is that?


yes exactly


This mother wanted me as that contact person which I was for a while until I reach the point I said " I will help you but no way I want to get paid to shut up so I had it in my resignation. I said don't want this anymore but I'll be there for her I'm not going to accept any more crap


which could have brought you into trouble you know there are lawsuits now against people who take up that role who has knowledge who has insight and who go against the commune


will they can bring it on


I realise when we sit and talk here that there was one of the subjects that I wanted to explore maybe actually already in the first interview but never mind that I have not touched upon all gone into and that is is woman Kari Killén seems to be lying a lot. Or what?


well that could also be a kind of art

The last ten minutes not yet transcripted it will be ready in a few days.