lørdag den 30. november 2019

Thursdays Letter: #Dec7Protest - Getting closer

Thursdays letter
29th of November 2019
- #Dec7Protest -
- Getting closer -

So December 7 is approaching and the many preparations for the global protest against family-splitting policies in child protection are starting to shape.
This Thursday's letter will present the updated global event list, as well as briefly introducing two new countries that have joined the protest and who will make events.
The Global Event List for the Protest
The Global Event List provides an overview of all the events taking place around the world in connection with the protest.  Here is also a link to posters, websites and Facebook pages as well as a link to a thorough background explanation of the entire protest.
Two new countries have joined the protest
Two new countries have joined the protest and I will briefly talk about them.
The first is SwitzerlandSwitzerland must say to fall into the category of small, rich and formally well functioning and democratic countries.  It is reminiscent of Denmark, Norway, Sweden and New Zealand in this area.  Here, exactly the same pattern appears as we have seen in the other countries.
The Swiss child welfare service is called KESB and one of the Swiss members in the international group writes about KESB like this:
"The Kesb is a governmental tool to silence people and to control people . In many cases they use children to do so ."
The December 7 protest in Switzerland will take the form of a meeting of the existing protest movement.

The other country is Armenia

It is as thou one can divide the protesting countries into two categories.  Those who are already infiltrated by a divisive and abusive childcare and those who are afraid of becoming it.
Armenia belongs to the last category.  They do not currently have an actual childcare facility in Armenia, but they can see that there are measures to create one.  The Armenians are worried about this because, as a former Soviet Republic, they have experienced abusive authorities first hand and they have heard the stories of what is going on in Norway.

fredag den 29. november 2019

Torsdagsbrev: #Dec7Protest -vi nærmer os

- #Dec7Protest -
- Vi Nærmer Os -

Så nærmer den 7 december sig og de mange forberedelser til den globale protest imod familiesplittende børneforsøg er begynder at tage form. 
Dette torsdagsbrev vil præsenterer den opdaterede globale eventliste, samt kort introducerer to nye lande som har sluttet sig til protesten og som vil lave arrangementer.
Den Globale Protest Eventliste
Den globale eventliste give et overblik over alle arrangementerne som findes sted over hele verden i forbindelse med protesten. Her er også link til plakater, hjemmesider og Facebooksider samt link til en grundig baggrundsforklaring omkring hele protesten.
To nye lande har meldt sig til protesten
To nye lande har tilsluttet sig protesten og dem vil jeg lige kort fortælle om. 
Det første er Schweiz. Schweiz må siger at falde i kategorien af små, rige og formelt velfungerende og demokratiske lande. Det minder om Danmark, Norge, Sverige og New Zealand på det område. Her viser der sig nøjagtig samme mønster som vi har set i de andre lande.
Den Schweiziske børneforsorg kaldes KESB og en af de schweiziske medlemmer skriver sådan her om KESB
"The Kesb is a governmental tool to silence people and to control people . In many cases they use children to do so ."
Protesten i den 7 december i Schweiz bliver i form af et møde i den eksisterende protestbevægelse.
Det andet land er Armenien

Det er som om man kan dele de protesterede lande op i to kategorier. Dem som allerede er infiltreret af en splittede og magtmisbrugende børneforsorg og dem som er bange for at blive det.
Armenien tilhøre den sidste kategori. Man har i Armenien ikke på nuværende tidspunkt en egentlig børneforsorg, men man kan se at der er tiltag til at skabe en. Armenerne er bekymrede for dette for de har som tidligere Sovjetrepublik oplevet statsovergreb på nært hold og de har hørt historierne om hvad der foregår i Norge.

fredag den 22. november 2019

The Global Protest: Background and Explanations

Thursday Letter
November 21th 2019
- The Global Protest -
- Background and Explanations -

This Thursday letter is an attempt to create a background and explanation page for the global protest against family-splitting child protection.
From the point of view of the ordinary citizen
Let me start this review of the background of the global protest with the statement of an ordinary Norwegian father.
Ørjan Larsen writes on Facebook on November the 17th 2019
What is it that politicians do not understand about Barnevernet (the Norwegian child protection system)?  Every day, ordinary people and families receive letters from the Barnevernet.  There is no danger to the child's life and health.  The case is runed.  Notice of meeting.  You will be pressured to sign a statement of consent.  If you do not sign or refuse to cooperate, the police can pick up your child to talk to it.  They use this as means of pressure against you to get you to sign.  In addition, there will be visits to the home to see if it is tidy and neat.  They also need to talk to the child alone.  It doesn't help that the "aunts" who come to visit try to be sweet and kind.  This is the state that forcibly intervenes in privacy.  It is not voluntary at all.  Those who receive letters in the mail respond with shock and disbelief.  Get scared.  Why are so many scared?  Because you do not know what Barnevernet can do.  They have the power to take your child away from you!  You automatically get into a defensive position.  It is perceived as an attack, a serious threat to you and your family.  It triggers a strong stress and fear reaction!  Living in strong fear over time is very damaging to health!  Many people become seriously ill, lose their appetite and lose weight.  It may take several weeks for a case to be dropped.  Today, a large part of the population is being suppressed by the Barnevernet.  How does this suppression work in practice?  Let's say you received a letter from Barnevernet.  You go through the whole round.  Case closed.  You don't want to have anything to do with Barnevernet ever again.  Then you are limited and have to keep a low profile.  Be careful what you do and what you say.  Who you hang out with.  How to join the community and on social media.  You lose a lot of your freedom until your child has grown older.  It is to live in oppression.  It is not good for yourself, your family and your child.  Not good for anyone.  Barnevernet, a state in the state with too much power.  A system that is abusive in every way!  The schools, among other things, actively use Barnevernet. Use it as a barrier to gain control over pupils and parents.  People send harassment messages, etc. Barnevernet does their job, runs a case!  What about everyone who is wrongfully deprived of children?  There are no words!  There is massive opposition to Barnevernet in Norway.  Each time they send new letters, they create new enemies!  The risk of hate crime against offices, managers and employees in Barnevernet is high.  Should major accidents happen before the system is changed?  Politicians, immediate action is required!  Create a new system based on biological principle and protection of the family. "
There are several reasons why this post is suitable for highlighting the problem of family-splitting child protection.  First, it is an Norwegian father who writes and Norway seems to be a good place to start.
Norway has just lost a case in the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights hereafter called ECHR.
The case was a forced adoption case, and the ECHR found that the way the case had been handled in Norway was a violation of human rights.
In conjunction with the Grand Chamber judgment, EMD has admitted a very high number of child care cases from Norway for admissibility.  There are currently 35 cases pending.  This is a a great number, especially considering that Norway is a country with a population of less than 5 million inhabitants.

Another reason why Norway is a good place to start is that Norway has had a very fine and well-functioning resistance movement, which has been good at focusing on the very big problems of the Norwegian Child Protection Service.

Ørjan Larsen's opinion on Facebook is also interesting because it is actually not so much about unjustified placement of children.  It is about the power exerted by the system even in situations where the children, upon completion of the investigation, are allowed to stay with their parents.  He talks about the investigations that parents and children face when problems in a family are suspected.  The way in which the childcare system goes into families and suppresses and breaks down with the threat that the children can be removed.  It is part of a tendency we see in our modern civilized society at the moment.  A trend in which the state suppresses and creates divisions in amongst its own citizens instead of alleviating problems and breeding grounds for well-being.

The history behind the global protest.
Over the past ten years there has been a few global protests against Norway's child Protection System because they have removed children from foreign families.  Best known is probably the Bodnariu case where Norway removed 5 children from a Norwegian resident Romanian family.

The global protest movement which protested on September 7, 2019 in 9 different countries and which has planned demonstration in 12 different countries on December 7, 2019 has started in Bulgaria.

The Norwegian state has provided support to the Bulgarian state with a special focus on the social sector.  The Norwegian state has worked to introduce Norway's method and ideology regarding child protection into the Bulgarian system.  As a result, the Bulgarian government has adopted a 15-year plan to restructure the Bulgarian child care so that the Nordic standards are adapted.  The Bulgarians do not like it and therefore a very large and very strong protest movement has formed in Bulgaria.  It was from this very strong Bulgarian protest movement that the idea of ​​a global protest movement emerged, which led to the first global protest, namely the September 7 protest. 
I have made three blog posts that describe some of the countries that participated and that show some pictures from the different countries' protests.
The first global protest was directly aimed at the Norwegian child protection system.  "Barnevernet" and the slogan of the protest was "Stop Barnevernet Ideology!".  We had a notion that it was in Norway that the family divisive strategy had been developed and that it spread from Norway to other countries.
In connection with the September 7 protest and especially after the September 7 protest, it has become clear to me that this is not the case.
The family-splitting approach seems to be sprouting up everywhere.  We see it in New Zealand, in the USA, in Germany, in Ireland, in Denmark, in Finland, in Sweden, in the Netherlands, in Switzerland, etc.
In fact, I am increasingly questioning whether Norway is actually the worst when it comes to cruel approaches to families with children or whether there are other countries that are just as bad or worse, but have not yet been discovered because of their suppression of  citizens worked so effectively.
In each case, we see a worldwide tendency for authorities to use family intervention as a means of sanction and repression.  At the same time, we see a transition from external control mechanisms to internal psychological mechanisms that justify intervention in the family with some psychological assessments of parental abilities.
This is the trend we are protesting against in the global protest.  This trend and the thousand children who are unjustly removed because of it.
Good texts describing the situation in English.

torsdag den 21. november 2019

Den Globale Protes: Baggrund og Forklaring

- Den Globale Protest -
- Baggrund og Forklaring -

Dette torsdagsbrev er et forsøg på at lave en baggrunds og forklaringsside til den globale protest imode familisplittende børneforsorg.
Fra den almindelige borgers synspunkt
Lad mig starte denne gennemgang af baggrunden for den globale protest med udtalelsen fra en helt almindelig norsk far.
Ørjan Larsen skriver på Facebook for den 17. 11. 2019
Hvad er det politikerne ikke forstår omkring den børneforsorgen? Hver dag er der almindelige mennesker og familier, som modtager brev fra børneforsorgen. Der er ingen fare for barnets liv og helbred. Sagen køres alligevel. Meddelelse om møde. Du bliver presset til at underskrive en samtykkeerklæring om undersøgelse. Hvis du ikke underskriver eller nægter at samarbejde kan politiet hente dit barn for at tale med det. De bruger dette som et pressionsmiddel mod dig for at få dig til at underskrive. Desuden vil der være besøg i hjemmet for at se, om det er ryddeligt og pænt. De skal også tale med barnet alene. Det hjælper ikke, at "tanterne", der kommer på besøg, prøver at være søde og venlige. Dette er staten, der med magt griber ind i privatlivets fred. Det er slet ikke frivilligt. De, der modtager breve i posten, reagerer med chok og vantro. Bliv bange. Hvorfor er så mange bange? Fordi man ikke ved, hvad børneforsorgen kan finde på at gøre. De har magten til at tage dit barn væk fra dig! Du kommer automatisk i en defensiv position. Det opfattes som et angreb, en alvorlig trussel mod dig og din familie. Det udløser en stærk stress og frygtreaktion! At leve i stærk frygt over tid er meget skadeligt for helbredet! Mange mennesker bliver alvorligt syge, mister deres appetit og taber sig. Det kan tage flere uger, før en sag henlægges. I dag undertrykkes en stor del af befolkningen af ​​børneforsorgen. Hvordan fungerer denne undertrykkelse i praksis? Lad os sige, at du har modtaget et brev fra børneforsorgen. Du er gået igennem hele runden. Sag afsluttet. Du ønsker ikke at have noget at gøre med børneforsorgen for evigt. Derefter er du begrænset og skal holde en lav profil. Vær forsigtig med, hvad du gør, og hvad du siger. Hvem du hænger ud med. Sådan deltager du i lokalsamfundet og på sociale medier. Du mister meget af din frihed, indtil dit barn er blevet ældre. Det er at leve i undertrykkelse. Det er ikke godt for dig selv, din familie og dit barn. Ikke godt for nogen. Børnforsorgen, en stat i staten med for meget magt. Et system, der misbruges på enhver måde! Skolerne bruger blandt andet Børneforsorgen aktivt som en barriere for at få kontrol over elever og forældre. Mennesker sender chikane beskeder osv. Børneforsorgen gør deres arbejde, kører en sag! Hvad med alle, der fejlagtigt fratages børn. Der er ingen ord! Der er massiv modstand mod børneforsorgen i Norge. Hver gang de sender nye breve, så skaber de nye fjender! Risikoen for hadkriminalitet mod kontorer, ledere og ansatte i Børneforsorgen er stor. Skal større ulykker ske, før systemet ændres? Politikere, øjeblikkelig handling er påkrævet! Opret et nyt system baseret på biologisk princip og beskyttelse af familien."
Det er flere grunde til at dette indlæg er velegnet til at belyse problemet med familiesplittende børneforsorg. For det først er det en norsk far som skriver og Norge er et godt sted at starte. 
Norge har lige tabt en sag i storkammeret ved den europæiske menneskerettighedsdomstol her efter kaldet EMD.
Sagen drejede sig om en tvangsadoption, og EMD fandt at måden sagen var blevet håndteret på i Norge var en krænkelse menneskerettighederne.
Læs hele dommen her. Det er på engelsk og 150 sider langt.

I forbendelse med storkammerafgørelsen har EMD optaget et meget højt antal børneforsorgssager fra Norge til realitetsbehandling. Der er lige nu 35 sager til behandling. Det er voldsomt mange, særlig med tanke på, at Norge et land med en befolkning på under 5 millioner indbyggere. 

En anden grund til at Norge er et godt sted at starte er den, at Norge har haft en meget fin og velfungerende modstandsbevægelse, som har været god til at sætte fokus på de meget store problemer ved den norske Børneforsorg. 

Ørjan Larsen udtalelse på Facebook er interessant også, fordi den faktisk ikke handler så meget om uberettigede anbringelser af børn. Den handler om den magt der udøves af systemet selv i de situationer, hvor børnene efter endt undersøgelse for lov at blive hos deres forældre. Han taler om de undersøgelser, som man som forældre og børn bliver udsat for når der er mistanke om problemer i en familie. Den måde hvorpå  Børneforsorgen går ind i familier og undertrykker og nedbryder med truslen om at børnene kan blive fjernet. Den er en del af en tendes vi ser i vores moderne civiliserede samfund øjeblikket. En tendens hvor staten undertrykker og skaber splittelse i blandet sin egne borgere i stedet at afhjælpe problemer og skabe grobund for trivsel.

Historien Bag den Globale Protest
Der har inden for de seneste ti år været et par globale demonstrationer imod Norges børneforsorg på grund af, at de har fjernet børn fra udlandske familier. Mest kendt er nok Bodnariu sagen hvor Norge fjernede 5 børn fra en norsk bosidende rumænsk familie. 

Den globale protestbevægelse som demonstrerede den 7 september 2019 i 8 forskellige lande og som har planlagt demonstration i 12 forskellige lande den 7. December 2019 er started i Bulgarien. 

Den norske stat har ydet støtte til den Bulgarske stat med særlig fokus på den sociale sektor. Den norske stat har arbejdet for at man indførte Norges metode og ideologi vedrørende børneforsorg i det Bulgarske system. Det har ført til at den bulgarske regering har vedtaget en 15 års plan for omlægning af den bulgarske børneforsorg så din tilpasses nordiske standarter. Det bryder bulgarerne sig ikke om og derfor har der i Bulgarien formet sig en meget stor og meget stærk protestbevægelse. Det var ud af denne meget stærke bulgarske protestbevægelse at ideen til en global protestbevægelse udsprang, hvilket førte frem til den første globale protest nemlig 7. september protesten.  
Jeg har lavet tre blogindlæg som beskriver nogle af de lande som deltog og som viser nogle billeder fra de forskellige landes demonstrationer. 
Den første demonstration var direkte rettet imod den norske børneforsorg. "Barnevernet" og demonstrationens slagord hed "Stop Barnevernets Ideologi!". Vi havde en forestilling om at det var i Norge, at den familiesplittende strategi var blevet udviklet og at den spredte sig ud fra Norge til andre lande.
I forbindelse med 7. september demonstration og i særdeleshed efter 7. september demonstrationen er det blevet klart for mig, at det ikke forholder sig sådan.
Den familiesplittende tilgang ser ud til at spire frem alle steder. Vi ser det i New Zealand, i USA, i Tyskland, i Irland, i Danmark, i Finland, i Sverige, i Holland, i Schweitz osv. osv.
Faktisk bliver jeg efterhånden mere og mere i tvivl om Norge egentligt er de værste når det gælder grusomme fremgangsmåder overfor børnfamilier eller om der faktisk er andre lande som er lige så slemme eller værre, men som bare ikke er blevet opdaget endnu, fordi deres undertrykkelse af borgere fungerede så effektivt.
I hvert tilfælde ser vi en verdensomspændende tendens til at myndigheder bruger indgreb i familien som et sanktions - og undertrykkelses middel. Samtidig ser vi en overgang fra ydre kontrol mekanismer til indre psykologiske mekanismer hvor man begrunder indgreb i familien med nogle psykologisk vurderinger af forældrenes kompetencer.
Det er denne tendens vi demonstrer imod i den globale protest. Denne tendens og de tusind børn, som er fjernet uberettiget på grund af den.
Først et par aktuelle danske avisartikler
Gode Udlandske kilder

fredag den 15. november 2019

Protest Around The World: Germany, Spain, Hawaii and New Zealand

Thursday Letter
Nov. 14th 2019
- Protest Around The Word Part 3 -

This week, I continue my journey to countries participating in the global protest against family splitting childcare policies. 
This time we will visit Germany, Spain, Hawaii and New Zealand.  Just before I go to the specific countries, I would like to write a little about a topic that I have thought about and that is related to the rest.  It is about the relationship between Norway and the United States.
A few years ago in 2015, there was a big case about Norway's childcare.  The Norwegian authorities had forcibly removed five children from a Norwegian resident Romanian family.  The family was called Bodnariu and the case was called Bodnariu-case. The Norwegian authorities claimed that the family had used physical punishment on the children.

However, it quickly became apparent that there was no evidence of that claim and it was said that it was because the family believed in a punishing god, that is, in fact, the fact that they were Christians. 

The forced removal of the five children of the Bodnariu family led to protests worldwide.  First of all, the Romanian people protested in Romania and in many other countries and protests and condemnations came from the governments of several countries.

It was pretty massive and it ended up that Norway gave the children back to the family.

Less than a year ago, I heard for the first time that the Norwegian authorities had forcibly removed children from American families living in Norway, on thin and unreasonable resonans, just as in the Bodnariu case.  When I heard about this I thought.  "That's the most stupid thing that Norway could do".

Of course, the US superpower would not accept that Norway took children of US citizens on an unreasonable basis.  If Romania had protested then the US would protest even more.

This could only go wrong for Norway, I thought.

The strange thing was that America did nothing.  There was no comment, no protest, no condemnation, no official government statements.

It was a mystery to me at the time why Romania was defending its nationals, but the United States did not.

Since then I have come to understand the reason for this better.  There are very close ties between Norway and the United States.  Some even call Norway the 51st state of America.

The methods Norway uses in childcare are also used in the United States.

Childcare has become a means of controlling the population.

The United States is not interested in a settlement with these methods.  In the present circumstances, the United States is not particularly concerned about the rights of its own citizens, whether at home or in other countries.

Norway is free to intervene in the lives of American families and it even seems that the US authorities support the decisions of the Norwegian authorities.

The Journey Continues

We start the tour in Germany.

German child care resistance groups are not easily found online.  This could mean that the problem is not as big in Germany as it is in other countries.  It was also my first impression that Germany had a slightly more decent childcare system than Denmark and Norway.  However, there are a few members from Germany in the global group and as I talked to them I could hear that Germany had exactly the same child care problems as we had.

Forced removal had become a form of sanction against citizens and it had become a very profitable business for a small group of people.

I especially noticed that the German members of the international group described the exact same situation regarding the judicial situation that we experience here at home and that we have seen in Norway.

The German courts judge according to their own tastes and pleasures and there is no kind of justice other than maintaining objective criteria.

On September 7, 2019, a small group of people in Germany's capital Berlin demonstrated.  Here are some pictures from the demonstration in Germany.


In fact, I don't know much about childcare in Spain. There is a particular reason for Spain to take part in the global protest against family-splitting childcare.

It is a very perticular group of people who protest in Spain and their protest targets Norway specifically.  

It is a very specific group of people who protest in Spain and their protest targets Norway specifically.  This is a group of Spanish sailors who worked for the Norwegian Navy in the years 1948 - 1994. They worked for a long time and paid taxes, yet Norway does not believe that these people are entitled to pension from Norway.  Human rights lawyer Marius Reikerås has helped these ex-sailors bring their case to the European Court of Human Rights.  That is why these strong ex-sailors are now joining the fight against the Norwegian child welfare human rights violations.

Acclaimed Norwegian human rights lawyer Marius Reikerås has helped these sailors bring their case to the European Court of Human Rights.  That is why these strong ex- sailors are now joining the fight against the Norwegian child protections human rights violations.

Pictures from the Spanish ex-sailors protest on September 7, 2019.

Hawaii does not surprisingly experience the same child care issues as we have seen in so many places.  In particular, there is a specific adoption agency called Bethany Christian services, which is charged with unjustly forcing many children to adopt under the pretext of taking care of the child's best interests.

Hawaii has a small, but strong group of activists who regularly protest.  People who have had their children removed themselves.

Here are pictures from their September 7, 2019 protest

New Zealand
What is it about small wellfunctioning democracies that have gone so wrong?  New Zealand is known as a small wellfunctioning democratic country a bit like Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland.  People care for each other and for nature and human rigths is held high.

In New Zealand we experience exactly the same picture as we experience here in the north.  Child protection has gotten out of control.  It has become a means used for everything but helping children in need.  We see a justice system that is completely corrupt and persecutes the people who criticize the system, with fines, imprisonment and the like.  There is a high proportion of suicides due to child care intervention in families.  In particular, the indigenous New Zealand population is exposed to this type of intervention in their family life.

New Zealand has been very skilled at shaping resistance movement and protesting.  Their demonstration on September 7 had several hundred, if not a thousand participants, and it took place in several New Zealand cities.

Here are pictures from the protest in New Zealand September 7, 2019.

Here is a recent video produced by the strong New Zealand resistance movement.  In this video, New Zealand activists interview the Norwegian human rights lawyer Marius Reikerås.

Med torsdagsbrevet verden rundet del 3

- Verden rundt del 3 -

Idenne uge fortsætter jeg turen rundt til lande, som deltager i den globale protest mod familiesplittende metoder indenfor børneforsorgen. 
Denne gang skal vi besøge Tyskland, Spanien, Hawaii og New Zealand. Lige inden jeg går til de konkrete lande vil jeg gerne skrive lidt om et emne, som jeg har tænkt på og som er relateret til det øvrige. Det handler om forholdet imellem Norge og USA.
For nogle år siden nærmere bestemt i 2015 var der en stor sag omkring norges børneforsorg. De norske myndighedder havde tvangsfjernet fem børn fra en Norsk bosiddende rumænsk familie. Familien hed Bodnariu og sagen blev kaldt Bodnariu-sagen. De norske myndighedder påstod at familien havde anvendt fysisk afstraffelse overfor børnene. 
Der viste sig dog hurtigt at der ikke var belæg for den påstand og det hed sig så at det var, fordi familien troede på en straffende gud, altså faktisk det forhold, at de var kristne.

Tvangsfjernelsen af Bodnariu-familiens fem børn førte til protester verdens over. Først og fremmest protesterede den rumænske befolkning i Rumænien og i mange andre lande og der kom også protester og fordømmelser fra flere landes regeringer. 
Det var temmelig massivt, og det endte med, at Norge gav børnene tilbage til familien.
For mindre en et år siden hørte jeg for første gang om, at de norske myndigheder havde tvangsfjernet børn fra Amerikanske familier som levede i Norge, med tynde og urimelige begrundelser lige som i Bodnariu-sagen. Da jeg hørte om dette tænkte jeg. "Det var da det dummeste Norge kunne gøre". 
Naturligvis ville supermagten USA ikke acceptere at Norge tog børn fra Amerikanske statsborgere på urimeligt grundlag. Hvis Rumænien havde protestere ville USA da protestere endnu mere. 
Dette kunne kun gå galt for Norge tænkte jeg.
Det mærkelige var at Amerika ingen ting gjorde. Der var ingen kommentar, ingen protest, ingen fordømmelse, ingen officielle regeringsudtalelser.
Det var mig på det tidspunkt en gåde hvorfor Rumænien forsvarede sine statsborgere, men USA ikke gjorde.
Siden er jeg kommet til at forstå grunden til dette bedre. Der er meget tætte bånd imellem Norge og USA. Nogle kalder endda Norge for Amerikas 51'ene stat. 
De metoder Norge bruger i børneforsorgen bruges også i USA. 

Børneforsorg er blevet et middel til kontrol af befolkningen.  
USA er ikke er interesseret i et opgør med disse metoder. USA er under de nuværende forhold ikke synderligt optaget af, om dets egne borgeres rettigheder krænkes, hverken hjemme eller i andre lande. 
Norge har frit lejde til at gribe inde i Amerikanske familiers liv og det ser endda ud til at de Amerikanske myndighedder støtter op om de Norske myndigheders beslutninger.
Turen Fortsætter
Vi starter turen I Tyskland. 

Der er ikke let at finde tyske børneforsorgs-modstans-grupper på nettet. Det kunne jo betyde at problemet ikke er så stort i Tyskland som det er i andre lande. Det var også mit første indtryk at Tyskland havde en lidt mere anstændig børneforsorg end Danmark og Norge. Der er dog et par medlemmer fra Tyskland i den globale gruppe og efterhånde som jeg fik talt med dem kunne jeg godt høre at Tyskland havde nøjagtig de samme problemer med børneforsorgen som vi havde. 
Tvangsfjernelser var blevet et slags sanktionmiddel imod borgere og det var blevet en meget profitabel forretning for en lille gruppe af mennesker. 
Jeg bed særlig mærke i, at de tyske medlemmer af den internationale gruppe, beskrev nøjagtig samme situation omkring det retslige som vi oplever her hjemme og som vi har set i Norge. 

De tyske retsinstanser dømmer efter deres egen smag og behag og der er ingen form for retfærdighed end sige opretholdelse af objektiver kriterier.
Den 7. september 2019 demonstrerede en lille gruppe af mennesker i Tysklands hovedstad Berlin. Her er lidt billeder fra demonstrationen i Tyskland.

Faktisk ved jeg ikke meget om børneforsorgen i Spanien. Der er en særlig grund til at Spanien deltager i den globale protest imod familiesplittende børneforsorg.
Det er en helt bestemt grupper af mennesker som protester i Spanien og deres protest retter sig imod Norge specifikt. Det drejer sig om en gruppe af spanske sømand, som arbejdede for den norske flåde i årene 1948 - 1994. De arbejdede i lang tid og betalte skat alligevel mener Norge ikke at disse mennesker er berettiget til pension fra Norge. Menneskerettighedsjurist Marius Reikerås har hjulpet disse ex-sømand med at indbringe deres sag for den europæiske menneskerettighedsdomstol. Det er derfor at disse stærke eks-sømand nu slutter op om kampen imod den norske børneforsorgs brud på menneskerettighederne.
Billeder fra de Spanske ex-sømand demonstration på den 7 september 2019.
Hawaii oplever ikke overraskende de samme problemer med børneforsorgen som vi nu har set så mange steder. Her er det særligt et bestemt adoptionsbureau som hedder Bethany Christian services, som er under anklage for uberettiget at tvangsadoptere børn under påskud af varetagelse af barnets tarv.
Hawaii har en lille stærk gruppe af aktivister som jævnligt protestere. Mennesker som selv har fået deres børn fjernet.
Her er billeder fra deres protest den 7. september 2019

New Zealand
Hvad er det med små velfungerende demokratier som er gået så galt? New Zealand er kendt som et lille velfungerende demokratisk land lidt som Norge, Danmark, Sverige og Finland. Folk passer på hinanden og på naturen.
På New Zealand oplever vi præcist samme billede som vi oplever her i norden. Børnebeskyttelse er kommet ud af kontrol. Det er blevet et middel som bruges til alt muligt andet end at hjælpe børn som har behov for det. Vi ser et retssystem som er komplet korrupt og som forfølger de mennesker som retter kritik imod systemet, med bøder, fængsel og lignende. Der er en høj andel af selvmord på grund af børneforsorgens indgriben i familier. Særlig er den oprindelige New Zealandske befolkning maorierne udsat for denne type af indgriben i deres familieliv.
New Zealand har været meget dygtige til at forme modstandsbevægelse og protestere. Deres demonstration den 7. september havde flere hundrede, hvis ikke tusinde deltagende og den foregik i flere New Zealandske byer.
Her er billeder fra protesten i New Zealand 7. september 2019.

Her er en nyelig udsendt video som er produceret af den stærke New Zealandske modstandsbevægelse. I denne video interviewer de New Zealandske aktivister den Norske menneskerettighedsjurist Marius Reikerås.

fredag den 8. november 2019

Protest Around The World: Norway, Lithuania, Austria and Bulgaria

Thursday letter
- Protest around the world part 2 -

See earlier post in this series: Around the world: Denmark
See where in the world you can join the global protest on December 7th: Overview
ast Thursday I started a tour of some of the countries participating in the global protest against the family splitting childcare (Which we have also called "Barnevernet Ideologi")
I started by looking at the situation in my own country Denmark.
This time, I will look at four other countries that have all announced their participation in the demonstration on 7 December 2019 and who also participated in the demonstration on 7 September 2019.
It is from north to south Norway, Lithuania, Austria and Bulgaria.


Norway is in many ways the starting point for the whole international protest.  The international demonstration on September 7 was launched by activists in Bulgaria.  It came about that the Bulgarian government had adopted an 11-year plan to introduce the Norwegian principles of child protection in Bulgaria. Norway has been stubborn in its efforts to spread its childcare principles to other countries, especially poor countries in Eastern Europe.  Norway has given massive support to many of these countries and at the same time demanded that they adapt their childcare according to Norwegian principles

The story itself and the Norwegian Child Care (Barnevernet) is so extensive and interesting a theme that books can be written about it which has also become.  For example, Steven Benneth has written the book, Stolen Childhood: The truth about Norway's child welfare system

What we see in Norway is broadly a shift from external control to internal control at the transition to the child-centered approach that began in 1992. The concept of the "inadequate parent" was introduced here together with a number of ways of identifying the "inadequate parent" and  an idea that by intervening early and radically and removing children, the child could be secured a new and healthier connection with some foster parents or adoptive parents, thus giving the child better conditions for a healthy and good development.

All that we have of research suggests that this theory (a variation of attachment theory) is simply wrong and that there will be far more unhappy fates on the basis of that type of effort than there will be happy.  At the same time as working with the wrong premise in the theoretical approach, it is an approach that is extremely easy to manipulate.  That is, people who have an interest in the child being in care which could be foster families, or psychologists or private providers of institutions have an ease time in proving that the child needs to be in care. The last problem is the legal system that should ensure quality.  This legal system in Norway has proven to be totally without justice.  In Norway, a court  system has been developed where the court protects the interests of the state / municipality and where it is entirely a matter of luck if a citizen gets at decent treatment.

Child removal hase become a kind of power tool.  A way to keep the wheels of society going and provide employment for a huge state employed staff (Norway has the world's largest amount of state employed measured per capita)

At the same time, Norway has had an incredibly strong and good resistance movement against the unfair system.  Some very strong personalities 10 years ago have already started to point out that we had a serious problem here and that we could actually talk about child theft and deliberate family splitting strategies implemented by the state / municipality

Norway is currently experiencing a severe crisis in this particular area as the human rights court on September 10 gave Norway a crushing defeat for its child protection practice in a grand chamber case of a mother who had her child forcibly adopted in 2011 (Strand Lobben v. Norway). At the same time, the court has admitted the  35 additional child care cases for treatment.

A few pictures from Norway's demonstration in Oslo on September 7, 2019


In Lithuania, the situation is very close to what we see in Bulgaria.  Norway has been in favor of subsidizing the social system and there have been Norwegian delegations in Lithuania and teaching case workers on the Norwegian principles of child protection.  It is felt that authorities have a much lower threshold for taking children from parents today than they had earlier.  It may be a parent who has used a mild degree of corporal punishment on his child or it may be other very insignificant things that lead to intervention.  You also see here that there are interests in play.  Someone may want revenge and therefore report a family others may have interests in having a child etc.
Lithuania has a small strong and well-organized resistance movement which demonstrated on 7 September and which will also demonstrate on 7 December.


The demonstrations that have taken place in Vienna have been primarily run by the association Step up 4 childrens rights.  The movement is based on a Christian foundation and therefore emphasizes family values.  The demonstrations in Vienna have not so much been aimed at Austrian conditions, but have been directed against Norway and have been direct criticism of Norway's way of acting when it comes to child protection.  Unfortunately I do not have any pictures from the demonstration in Vienna on September 7, but as I understand it it was a small well organized demonstration with a 20 - 25 participants.


Bulgaria is a chapter in it's own.  Bulgaria has a great history when it comes to the fight for human rights.  During World War II, they were good at caring for the vulnerable Jewish population and refugees and where the Norwegian family-splitting childcare is being introduced into their system, a completely overwhelming resistance movement has arisen.  There are more than 200,000 members in the Facebook group who are gathering opposition to Norwegian childcare principles.  Many demonstrations are being conducted and there have been 150,000 people in the streets for some of these demonstrations.

Here are some pictures from Bulgaria from the demonstration on September 7, 2019